What To Do With An Unused Dining Room

Nick Durante
by Nick Durante
Credit: Shutterstock / Followtheflow

While dining rooms are convenient, not every homeowner necessarily has a use for the space. In that case, you’re left with a room that serves no purpose, but it doesn’t have to be that way. You’re not alone if you are stuck wondering what to do with a dining room that you don't use.

It doesn’t take much work to turn an unused dining room into a home office. You can also easily declutter your dining room, set up grow lights, and fill the space with houseplants. Many homeowners also convert their dining room into a playroom or storage space. An unused dining room has plenty of potential to become a home theater as well. 

There’s no reason to limit yourself as to what you can do with your unused dining room. All it takes is a little bit of creativity and effort to turn it into a fun, practical space. Follow along as we explore what to do with an unused dining room. 

8 Ways To Repurpose An Unused Dining Room

1. Turn It Into A Playroom

If you have children and don’t use your dining room, the space has plenty of potential to become a playroom. Not only is this great for your kids, but it’s also an easy way to declutter your home. You won’t have to worry about your children’s toys being scattered all over the house.

Simply move your child’s toys and games into your unused dining room and organize them accordingly. This is a great option because you can eventually repurpose the space for something else once your children grow up. It’s a good idea to buy totes and bins to organize your child’s toys and items.

Otherwise, the playroom may quickly become an eyesore if toys are scattered everywhere. Get creative and prioritize positive activities that stimulate your child’s brain. For example, an arts and crafts station can serve as a positive outlet for your kids. 

2. Convert It To A Library

It isn’t always easy to dedicate a room in your home to your book collection, especially if you have limited space. However, you can easily turn your unused dining room into a comfortable library without spending a fortune. That’s especially true if you already have an impressive book collection.

Look online for used bookshelves if you want to save money. However, you may want to invest in new bookshelves if you want a matching set. Once you have the shelves, the sky is the limit on how you want to decorate the room.

You can achieve a comfortable aesthetic with lamps that have warm-tone light bulbs. Set up some chairs, side tables, and even a coffee table if you have the space. That way, the room can do double duty as a library and as a space to mingle when you have people over.

3. Create A Comfortable Office

Today, countless people work from home, and that’s why home offices are more important than ever. You can turn your unused dining room into a productive home office no matter how big (or small) it is. It’s best to clear out your unused dining room before you begin, so you have a blank slate.

Ideally, you should start with a comfortable desk and chair, then design the room around it. Many people who work from home opt for ergonomic chairs and desks to maximize comfort. Next, you must set up everything you need to work, whether it be a printer, computer, copier, or fax machine.

Once you set up the essentials, you can get creative and decorate the space. Natural light helps add life to a home office, but that’s not an option for everyone. It’s a great idea to set up some low-maintenance houseplants and simple art that won’t distract you. 

4. Set Up A Game Room

A game rooms can add plenty of fun to any home, whether you have kids or not. Many adults love everything from poker and Uno to board games and video games. There is no limit to how you decorate and design your game room, and an unused dining room is the perfect place for one. 

Ideally, you should design your game room to accommodate guests if you plan to have game nights. It’s a great idea to buy a storage chest or tote to put your games to keep everything organized. You can add character to your game room with string lights and colorful LEDs. 

5. Use It For Storage

Is your dining room blocked off by doors? If so, then you could easily convert your unused dining room into a storage space. Granted, this is only ideal if you don’t have an open-concept dining room that is visible from other parts of your home.

Dig through your drawers, closet, and basement and remove items that simply take up too much space. Next, you can set them up in your dining room and organize them as needed. This is a better, more cost-effective option than renting a storage unit. 

6. Create An Indoor Garden

Houseplants work wonders to add color, character, and life to any home. There’s no better room than your unused dining room to create an indoor garden at home. That’s especially true if your dining room has sun-facing windows that let in lots of natural light.

However, you can even grow tropical plants indoors without natural light if you use artificial lights. Don’t bring your plants inside until you have everything you need to grow them. Gather soil, pots, lights, watering cans, and a humidifier.

The humidifier will help maintain a humidity level between 60% and 80%, which is essential for many houseplants. It’s also worth getting a humidity monitor to make sure the level doesn’t rise too high or fall too low. Bring your plants inside once you set everything up and enjoy the clean air in your home. 

7. Build A Home Theater

Home theaters have become increasingly popular for homeowners who have space for them. Luckily, you have just enough space for a home theater if you don’t use your dining room. Today, you can find many affordable projectors, screens, and sound systems for a home theater.

A decent projector costs roughly $350 whereas high-end models can exceed $5,000. You won’t likely need to spend more than $200 to $500 for a screen unless you want it to be professional-grade. In that case, you may spend over $3,000. That said, most dining rooms don’t have the space for a professional screen.

Lighting is optional, and traditional theater sconces cost an average of $200 each. Otherwise, you can save money and rely on candles and string lights to set the mood in your home theater. You don’t need to spend more than $150 to $350 on a sound system if you opt for Bluetooth speakers.  

8. Nurture Your Artistic Side

Do you have an artistic side that you’d like to explore? If so, then your unused dining room may be the perfect room to do so. Whether you like to paint, sculpt, or play music, the average dining room has plenty of space to create art.

Remove your dining room table and chairs before you set up a studio if you haven’t already. Next, visualize where your artistic implements will go, whether it be a guitar and amplifier or an easel and paint set. Fill the room with art, plants, and decorations that inspire you to make the room as comfortable and as inspiring as possible.

Summing It Up

You can easily turn an unused dining room into a playroom for your children. Dining rooms normally have enough space to double as libraries and home offices as well. Otherwise, you can repurpose your unused dining room into an indoor garden, storage space, or home theater. 

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Nick Durante
Nick Durante

Nick Durante is a professional writer with a primary focus on home improvement. When he is not writing about home improvement or taking on projects around the house, he likes to read and create art. He is always looking towards the newest trends in home improvement.

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