Outdoors Gardening

What To Do If Your Neighbor Won’t Cut Their Grass

Do you know your neighbor well? If so, it’s worth simply telling them that you wish they would cut their grass. Granted, this can be uncomfortable if you have no relationship, but it’s worth it if the tall grass is a problem.

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How Long Does It Take For An Avocado Tree To Bear Fruit?

Millennials are known for their love of avocado toast as well as their love of gardening. It comes as no surprise, then, that many of us are now looking at growing our own avocado trees in hopes of getting a steady influx of avocados for breakfast. Of course, this is only doable in the warmer regions of the United States, and even then, it can take a while for avocado trees to bear fruit.

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Why Won’t My Bulbs Flower?

Nothing is worse for bulbs than soggy soil. Soil can become soggy due to overwatering and excessive rain, but it’s often a drainage issue. Some soil simply retains too much water and drains it too slowly.

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What To Do When You Notice A Tick Stuck To Your Body

The first major safety question you need to ask yourself when you notice a tick on your body is how long the tick has been there. This is an important for two reasons. First, the longer a tick has been in your skin, the more embedded and stubborn it is likely to be. 

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How To Deadhead Snapdragons (Quickly & Easily!)

Snapdragons provide a vibrant splash of color to any garden, blooming beautifully in the spring and fall. These bright blooms come in almost every color imaginable, and when cared for properly, can last a long time.  

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Centipede Grass Vs St Augustine: Which Grass Is Better?

There are many types of grass, some of which grow better in certain areas. If you find yourself in the middle of choosing between, centipede grass, and St Augustine grass.

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How Long Does It Take To Grow A Bonsai Tree

Growing a bonsai tree is an ancient art that requires some skill and patience. While this process takes time, many find the art of bonsai a relaxing and even mediation task. Its reward is in the work and in the beautiful miniature giant that this work slowly shapes. If you are interested in creating your own bonsai tree, one of the first questions you are likely to ask yourself is “how long does it take to grow a bonsai tree?” 

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Best Flowers To Plant In Late Summer

The average homeowner rushes to plant as many flowers as possible during spring and early summer. However, that’s not the only time of the year that plants can take root, bloom, and thrive. So, what are the best flowers to plant in late summer?

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Prepare Your Lawn Mower For Spring (Lawn Mower Maintenance Checklist)

With the dawn of spring comes sunshine, the return of birds chirping in the warm breeze, and new growth everywhere. Daffodils and tulips make their early presence known, and of course, there is your lawn.

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What To Put In A Pollinator Garden

Pollinator gardens have risen in popularity over the last several years. Homeowners, gardeners, and conservationists alike have realized how important it is to nurture an ecosystem with pollinators. Understandably, many homeowners struggle with what to put in a pollinator garden.

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Tips To Help You Grow A Bonsai Tree In Your Home

There are tons of different types of bonsai trees. Just about any tree can be altered into a bonsai form. Therefore, there is not a universal growing condition that bonsais enjoy. There are, however, a few challenges to growing bonsai indoors.

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Kohler Engine Loses Power Under Load? (We Have A Fix)

When winter gives way to spring, it’s time to clean up the outside for garden and barbecue get-togethers.  As you begin mowing unruly patches of grass, dead leaves, and the occasional twig, your lawnmower simply stops.  

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What To Do If Your Neighbor Has A Dangerous Tree

Whether it be a simple conversation or involving an HOA, there are several ways to approach your neighbor who has a dangerous tree. The end goal should be for your neighbor to remove the tree without straining your relationship. Each of these methods is non-combative and can be quite successful:

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How To Prune Roses In The Summer (Quickly & Easily!)

With the appropriate care, roses can easily be the crowning glory of any garden. But as most gardeners will tell you, coaxing a rose bush to full bloom is a delicate task. And getting a rose bush to thrive year-round is another matter, whether you have knockout, climbing, or hybrid tea roses. But if you respect the process, caring for your rose bush can be as rewarding as it is demanding.

The secret to growing a healthy and vibrant rose bush lies in understanding your plant’s needs. For starters, all plants require regular watering, fertilizing, and pruning. Since rose bushes bloom in the summer, the more intensive pruning will usually occur in the spring. For summer pruning, you will only need to lightly “deadhead,” remove dead wood, and form the bush.

To prune roses in the summer, first find a healthy shoot that has already bloomed. Identify the five-leaf cluster, which tells us where the cane is thick enough to support another stem. With your pruning shears, cut just above the five-leaf cluster, keeping it intact. Although rose varieties differ, you can expect your rose bush to be in full bloom 3-4 weeks after a light summer pruning.

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Landscape Fabric Alternatives: Top 7 Options

Landscape fabric has been used for years to cover the ground around gardens and other landscaping where you are trying to prevent weeds. But many of the landscape fabrics are costly and can actually be bad for your plants and soil.

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How To Tighten The Belt On A Troy-Bilt Riding Mower

Troy-Bilt mowers are excellent machines. There are times when you may have to do a bit of maintenance, though. Changing the spark plug, air filter, oil, and gasoline are essential to the running of your Troy-Bilt. However, you also need to know how to adjust your belt on the mower.

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How To Plant Cactus Cuttings (Step-by-Step Guide)

The cactus plant is known for being a staple of desert environments, but it also deserves a spot inside your home. The cactus plant can provide some fresh air of its own and its unique appearance is also a welcome sight.

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Best Plants For A Shaded Porch

Shaded porches serve as both an oasis and an entry to your home. Finding the right plants that can thrive in the shade is easier said than done, however. So, what are the best plants for a shaded porch?

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Which Side of the Lawn Mower Blade is Up?

As the weather gets warmer, you’ll have to start mowing your lawn more frequently. Over time, wear and tear will cause the blades to wear down, which means that you have to replace them. However, one question that comes up during replacement is, “how do I know that the lawnmower blade is facing up?”

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How To Program A Hunter Sprinkler System (Do This!)

Since your home’s lawn will require different amounts of water for different times of the year, it is vital that your sprinkler system is programmed accordingly. It should also be adjusted as needed about once a month.

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Best Carnivorous Plants For Indoors

Between their appearance and dietary habits, carnivorous plants are endlessly fascinating. Mostly known as vicious bug predators in tropical areas, carnivorous plants have proven they can grow in many environments, inside or outside. So, what are the best carnivorous plants for indoors?

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160cc Vs. 190cc Lawnmower Engines: What Are The Major Differences?

When it comes to your lawn and the essential upkeep required to keep it looking nice, a lawn mower is an essential tool. It can help keep your grass looking just as you imagined and can save you a whole lot of time in the process, too.

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Is Moldy Soil Bad? How To Fix It

Spring is the most exciting time of year for anybody with a green thumb. The excitement and possibilities of picking out plants and planting seeds are incredible. However, it can be disconcerting when you discover moldy soil in your garden or potted plants. So, is moldy soil bad?

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Can You Go A Week Without Watering Your Garden?

The thought of a garden having to go a week without water is enough to give any gardener anxiety. However, you can’t let your worries about your garden keep you from taking the vacation that you have needed for a while. So, can you go a week without watering your garden?

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Why Does My Lawn Mower Sputter When Blades Are Engaged?

Lawnmowers, for many homeowners, are like a best friend. They’re tools we rely on! That’s why a sputtering mower can be a nightmare for people who get attached to their lawncare equipment.

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Top Vegetables That You Can Easily Grow In Pots

One great perk of growing your favorite vegetables in pots is that you can always place them in the perfect sunlight conditions. As time passes, shadows change and so does the angle of the sun. If you have your vegetables in pots and containers, you can shift them seasonally to ensure they are always getting the appropriate amount of light.

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Common Plants That Can Cause Allergic Reactions

When you think of plants that cause bad allergic reactions, there is a good chance the first plant you think of is poison ivy. Poison ivy exists in many wooded areas, popping up in late spring, and continuing to grow until the first frost.

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How To Change Blades On Riding Mower Without Removing Deck

Your riding mower needs to have its blades maintained to keep them working well. When your riding lawn mower’s blade wear out, you can easily change them by lifting the lawn mower up, removing the mounting nut and installing new blades. 

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When Should You Winterize Your Sprinkler System? (Find Out Now!)

Winterizing your lawncare equipment seems like a fool’s errand at times, but believe me, it’s something you should do. It’s what makes sure that you will be able to use your sprinklers once summer comes around. Like with all chores, there’s a right time and a wrong time to start winterizing your system. But, when’s ideal?

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How Much Does Hydroseeding Cost? (Pricing Per Acre & Square Foot)

Being a homeowner means you not only have to care for the house’s interior, but you must also give some attention to your curb appeal! Who doesn’t want to come home to a lush, green lawn?

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When Do Roses Bloom? (Based On Variety And Zone)

Roses are the oldest flower ever recorded with archaeologists finding a rose fossil from 35 million years ago. In fact, the oldest living rose is more than a thousand years old! There are over two thousand types of roses from short ground cover to large rose bushes and heirloom to wild. That makes answering the question of when roses bloom a difficult one.

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10 Tips To Help Keep Your Indoor Monstera Plant Alive

Monstera plants don’t drink a ton of water, and this is because they like to be surrounded by moisture. Unfortunately, most homes are significantly drier than a Monstera plant would like. While you don’t need to find ways to increase the humidity in your home, you should ensure your Monstera stays moist.

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Briggs And Stratton Lawn Mower Starts Then Dies? (We Have A Fix)

If you have ever gone out to mow the lawn and suddenly realized that your lawnmower wouldn’t start, then you know the pain of this situation all too well. Whether it is due to a dirty carburetor, you have a malfunctioning spark plug, not enough gas to the engine, or simply a clogged air filter, there are many reasons why this could be happening.

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What Can I Do With My Fresh Lavender?

Lavender is an herb that dries very well. Where some other herbs lose their flavor and potency when dried, lavender and its oils remain fragrant. Best of all, the pretty purple flowers keep most of their color after they dry. This all helps make lavender a fantastic herb to dry out and use as decoration.

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Fescue Vs. Bermuda Grass: Which One Is Better?

Creating a beautiful and lush yard that is the envy of the neighborhood is a lofty yet attainable goal for many homeowners. Understanding the right  grass to plant in your specific climate zone, coupled with your particular soil and sunlight, can make your lawn goals a reality.

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Lawn Mower Runs for A Minute Then Stops? (We Have a Fix)

Lawn mowers are considered by many as simple machines, but that does not mean they are always easy to fix. If you have a lawn mower that runs for a minute then stops, you are probably wondering why that is happening and how you can solve the problem.

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Kohler Engine Cranks But Won't Start (Possible Causes & Fixes)

Kohler produces a wide array of outdoor lawn care tools, primarily trimmers and lawnmowers. In a crowded lawncare market, Kohler is one of the most recognizable and trusted names on the market. But that doesn’t mean their products are immune to issues.

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What To Plant Along Fence Line (Here's What You Can Do)

Whether you’re trying to hide an ugly fence line or want to add beauty to your landscape, there are a ton of good things to plant along your fence. Planting the right things along your fence line requires planning and forethought. Simply throwing some trees or plants into the ground isn’t going to be enough.

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Can You Put Preen On Top Of Mulch? (Find Out Now!)

One of the jobs that go with having a beautiful landscape or a productive vegetable garden is weeding. Weeds, it seems, will sprout, and grow almost anywhere, but most often where you don’t want them. Many gardeners consider using one of the many chemical controls. Often, where landscapes or garden plots are mulched, people wonder if you can use Preen on top of the mulch to control weeds.

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Rain Bird Maxi Paw Sprinkler Won't Rotate? (Possible Causes & Fixes)

Automatic irrigation and sprinkler systems are extremely convenient, but like most things, they can develop issues over time. A common problem is that the sprinkler head won’t rotate. If this happens, you should repair it immediately to prevent future complications.

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Why Are There So Many Ant Hills In My Yard?

The sight of ants in your yard or home can understandably be discomforting. Not only are ant hills ugly, but they can indicate that you have an upcoming ant problem on your hands. Many homeowners have asked themselves the question: why are there so many ant hills in my yard?

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What To Do With Dead Leaves After Raking Them

One of the best ways to utilize your dead leaves after you rake them up is to add them to your compost pile before winter hits. If you have a compost pile, layers of dead leaves and soil add significant value. They help aerate the compost pile while adding lots of valuable nutrients.

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How Long Does Roundup Take To Work?

Weeds find a way of popping out of the tiniest cracks around your home, even if you have a small yard. If you are getting your home ready for guests, you might try pulling weeds in order to have the area looking its best. You will, however, quickly find weed pulling can be back-breaking work. This is where products like Roundup weed killer can come in handy. But how long does it take for Roundup to work?

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Best Plants For Allergies And Asthma

Whether it be a collection of houseplants or an outdoor garden, plants can trigger allergies and asthma. Most plants produce pollen and many of them even release spores that can irritate some people. Understandably, many homeowners with allergies and/or asthma, want to know the best plants to have.

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How Long Does It Take To Grow Your Own Christmas Tree?

There are dozens of different types of Christmas trees that are grown in nearly every climate around the world. With all this variety, it’s no surprise that there is not a simple answer to the question, “How long does it take to grow a Christmas tree?” Instead, there are averages, and approximate time frames based on what most people look for in a Christmas tree.

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When Should You Move Plants Inside?

Early fall is the best time to bring plants inside in most climates. Some homeowners even bring their plants indoors as early as August. It’s a great idea to bring many of your plants inside once the low temperature reaches 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

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What Containers To Use When Storing Compost

Making your own compost is a great way to help the environment, while also providing free nutrient-dense soil for plants. While your compost pile takes months to break down and develop into the type of compost that is ready to add to your garden, its benefits are worth the wait. If you have a lot of compost you are excited to use, but aren’t ready to use it quite yet, you will want to find the best way to store compost so you can use it later.

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How To Make Indoor Plants Grow Faster

Whether you simply love gardening or want to reap the benefits of indoor plants, adding greenery to your space is a popular design choice. But if you’re starting from scratch, you might want some ideas on how to make indoor plants grow faster. After all, nobody likes waiting, so if you can speed up the process, you’re all for it.

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Troy-Bilt TB200 Won't Start? (Possible Causes & Fixes)

Troy-Bilt makes a series of outdoor power tools and yard care equipment. They are one of the most recognizable and trusted names currently in the industry. Their line of trimmers and mowers are particularly revered.

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Colorful Outdoor Plants That Require Very Little Upkeep

If you have a fertile outdoor space but don’t seem to have a green thumb, you might think planting anything outside is a lost cause. While it is true that some plants need quite a bit of attention and upkeep, there are also tons of plants that require almost no care at all.

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How Many Sprinkler Heads Should You Have Per Zone?

Sprinklers are a highly useful tool for keeping a yard or garden properly and consistently watered. They can even be scheduled and automated so that they require little intervention from the user. At the end of the day, they are quite effective for proper yard and garden care.

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When To Trim Oak Trees To Avoid Damage (Do This!)

Oak trees can be beautiful, majestic fixtures in any yard. Huge and lumbering, they can provide ample shade and a great place for the kids to climb in the summer. Having an oak tree can be a welcome addition to any yard.

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12 Plants That Are Perfect Near Your Front Door

If you live somewhere with mild winters, then a palm tree is a great plant to place near your front door. While there are many types of palm trees you can choose from, Areca palms are a great and safe option. They are one of the best and easiest palm tree species to grow.

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What Is A Good Tree To Plant Near A House?

When properly placed, trees in the backyard can make for a beautiful visual aesthetic. It can also provide quality privacy in areas where homes are closely bunched together. Maintaining privacy in those close quarters can be of the utmost importance.

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How Much Does It Cost to Cut 1 Acre of Grass?

Working the land is something that must be done, to maintain properties. When it comes to larger 1 acre + properties, you can’t always take care of it, with just a push mower, by yourself. Landscaping companies charge different prices. So, we have found the average price, and cost, to cut 1 acre of grass.

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How To Stop Your Dog From Eating Your Plants

You can stop your dog from destroying your plants with both household and store-bought remedies. The key is to make your dog want to avoid eating your plants altogether. Luckily, many of the best ways to stop dogs from eating your plants are easy, such as:

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Signs That It Is Time To Aerate My Lawn

A healthy green lawn brings life and vitality to a home. It makes your home and yard look clean and regal. A pristine lawn can even increase your property value. But maintaining a lawn to ensure it stays emerald green and glorious takes some work and regular maintenance. There is regular mowing and landscaping, fertilizing, and even aeration. Aeration is something not everyone does on a regular basis, but it’s very important. It is critical you notice the signs that it is time to aerate your lawn.

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Are Arborvitae Trees Deer Resistant? (Find Out Now!)

Keeping your yard beautifully landscaped is the perfect way to not only make your home look beautiful but also to give you some much-needed privacy. Adding just the right bushes, trees, and plants can make a home unique and be an appealing target for animals like deer to grab a quick meal. If you live in an area with a high deer population, you will want to search for deer-resistant plants to keep your landscaping and yard looking fantastic, even with deer roaming the area.

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How To Lift Riding Mower To Change The Blades

Owning a riding mower comes with many perks, but it can also require routine care and maintenance. One of the most common steps to take care of on your riding mower is to regularly change the blades. However, since the machine can be quite heavy, this process is not always simple.

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9 Types Of Ryegrass (With Photos)

Ryegrass was once primarily used as a source of food for grazing cattle, and it still is. Now, ryegrass is used for turf, ground cover, and to accentuate surrounding grasses or plants. With all of the practical uses for ryegrass, what are the main types and how do they differ?

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