How To Keep Stray Dogs Out Of Your Yard

Nick Durante
by Nick Durante
Credit: Shuttertock / Andrii Zastrozhnov

Many people love dogs, but they may not trust stray dogs. There is always the risk that they carry diseases or will act aggressively if you approach them. That’s why you may understandably wonder how to keep stray dogs out of your yard. 

You can keep stray dogs out of your yard with ultrasonic devices, motion-activated sprinklers, and motion-activated lights. Plants like marigolds and lavender produce strong odors that dogs dislike and typically avoid. You can also scatter coffee grounds, vinegar, and citrus fruit peels in your yard to deter dogs. 

Plant-based fertilizer also smells strong enough to keep stray dogs out of your yard. It’s worth asking your neighbors if a dog you find in your yard is theirs. Follow along as we explore how to keep stray dogs out of your yard. 

How To Repel Stray Dogs

1. Use An Ultrasonic Repellent

It’s no secret that dogs are sensitive to sounds, and that’s why dog whistles are a big part of canine training. You can use sound to deter dogs with an ultrasonic device. Ultrasonic devices produce sounds that deter dogs, cats, snakes, deer, rabbits, and many pests. 

The best thing about ultrasonic devices is that they can keep stray dogs out of your yard without hurting them. Sure, the sound may startle them, but it won’t cause them any significant distress. Ultrasonic devices are quite cheap, so you can easily justify setting up several throughout your yard.

You can also find handheld ultrasonic devices, but they aren’t as useful in emergencies. After all, you can’t always count on yourself to keep the device on hand. It’s still worth buying a handheld device to use as a backup.

2. Ask Around The Neighborhood

Sometimes, the stray dog you see in your yard isn't a stray after all. Homeowners don’t always keep track of their dog, and the dog may wander into their neighbors’ yards. While this is inconsiderate, it at least makes it easier to get a handle on your stray dog problem.

Ask around the neighborhood and see if anyone knows who the stray dog belong to. There is a chance that the dog or dogs belong to one of your neighbors. In that case, you can politely ask them to keep their dog in their yard.

This is a reasonable request, as some dogs act aggressively toward strangers. The last thing you want is to get bitten by your neighbor’s dog. You can also ask the question via text, email, or a neighborhood social media group if you’re uncomfortable with a face-to-face encounter.

3. Build A Fence

Your first instinct may be to build a fence to keep stray dogs out of your yard. However, you may feel apprehensive because of the financial investment it requires. Despite being costly, a fence is the best way to ensure stray dogs cannot get into your yard. 

Building a fence is worth the cost, as it keeps most animals out of your yard, including dogs, and boosts privacy. Fences also help define your yard’s boundaries, which is invaluable if your neighbors overstep their bounds, and their kids play in your yard

It costs as little as $1,000 to build a fence or up to $10,000 or more. Cost factors such as materials, labor, and the size of your yard determine the price. You can save a fortune if you build a DIY fence, but that takes a lot of work. 

4. Set Up Sprinklers

Sprinklers let homeowners scare stray dogs away without hurting them or causing them too much stress. Often called “scarecrow sprinklers”, motion-activated sprinklers only run when a person or animal triggers them. The sprinkler will spray water for a few seconds until the stray dogs move away. 

Sprinklers can help keep stray dogs, cats, coyotes, deer, and raccoons, among other animals, out of your yard. Motion-activated sprinklers are easy to install and don’t use much water. You don’t have to worry about running up an exorbitant water bill, as the hose valve is also motion-activated. 

Some people even get creative and place their motion-activated sprinklers near plants. This offers the best of both worlds as you can deter stray dogs and help your plants stay healthy and vibrant.


5. Repel Them With Plants

Dogs are unlikely to stick around an area if they dislike the scent. Many plants, such as marigolds and lavender, produce strong odors that repel dogs. Fruit-bearing citrus plants are especially effective at repelling stray dogs in your yard. 

You can even peel the fruit you grow and scatter the peels in your yard. The scent of citrus can deter many animals, such as dogs and cats. Some people even spray citrus juice around the perimeter of their yards to keep stray dogs away. 

6. Use Motion-Activated Lights

Motion-activated lights not only help keep stray dogs out of your yard, they also deter burglars. An unexpected beam of light in the darkness can understandably startle people and animals alike. Affordable and energy-efficient, motion-activated lights let you cheaply deter stray dogs and illuminate your house at night. 

They also come in handy if you get off work late and must walk a dark path to your door. Motion-activated lights contain LEDs that last a long time. That means you don’t have to worry about continually replacing bulbs, as LEDs can last up to 50,000 hours of use.

You can even find motion-activated lights that have a sprinkler function. This offers the best of both worlds, as it can deter even the most stubborn stray dogs. 

7. Scatter Coffee Grounds

Dogs are known for their keen sense of smell, and you can use that to your advantage to get rid of strays. Coffee grounds smell powerful enough to make stray dogs think twice about sticking around your yard. Scatter coffee grounds throughout your yard to keep stray dogs away from your house.

Ideally, you should spread coffee grounds around the perimeter of your yard, so the dog won't enter. It’s also a great idea to sporadically spread coffee grounds around your lawn. This serves as a nice backup in case the wind and rain wash your coffee grounds away. 

8. Spread Plant-Based Fertilizer

Some homeowners mistakenly use standard fertilizer to deter dogs. However, many fertilizers attract dogs as they contain ingredients that appeal to them, like bone meal. Plant-based fertilizers offer the best of both worlds as they can enrich your yard and keep dogs away.

Make sure to follow the instructions to provide the results for your lawn. For example, some fertilizers can’t get wet for a set period after applying it. 

9. Vinegar

Vinegar can help fix many common household problems, such as getting rid of stains and insect swarms. It can also help keep stray dogs out of your yard due to the strong scent. Vinegar is quite acidic and boasts a strong scent, which is hard to mistake for anything else. 

All you must do is dilute some vinegar with water in a spray bottle. Ideally, you should use a mixture of 50% vinegar and 50% water. This is strong enough to leave a long-lasting odor on the grass in your yard.

Keep in mind that you must sporadically reapply the mixture as needed, since it will eventually weaken and wash away.


Summing It Up

The best way to keep stray dogs out of your yard is to set up ultrasonic devices and motion-activated lights. Motion-activated sprinklers are also effective, as they can startle dogs and humanely stop them from entering your yard. Natural repellents like coffee grounds, citrus peel, marigolds, and lavender can also keep stray dogs out of your yard. 

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Nick Durante
Nick Durante

Nick Durante is a professional writer with a primary focus on home improvement. When he is not writing about home improvement or taking on projects around the house, he likes to read and create art. He is always looking towards the newest trends in home improvement.

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