How Do I Keep Foxes Out Of My Yard?

Nick Durante
by Nick Durante
Credit: Shutterstock / Chedko

Foxes may be small, but they’re also aggressive and can even transmit diseases. That’s why the sight of a fox in a yard is enough to make any homeowner worry. So, how do I keep foxes out of my yard?

The best way to keep foxes out of your yard is to build a fence and enclose your fruits and vegetables with chicken wire. Never leave your pets unattended in your yard if you live near an area with foxes, as they sometimes prey on small animals. Cover your compost bin and scatter coffee grounds in your yard to deter foxes. 

Ultrasonic devices and motion-activated lights in many cases can also startle foxes enough to leave your yard. Follow along as we highlight the best ways to get rid of foxes and keep them out of your yard. 

How To Deter Foxes

1. Get Rid Of Food Sources

Foxes don’t go into your yard because they want to play around: they’re there for food. However, they won’t stick around your yard for too long if they can’t find any food. They are drawn to fruit, vegetables, and even compost bins. 

The last thing you should do is leave the compost bin in your yard uncovered. This is an easy way to invite foxes into your yard, and they will likely keep coming back. Keep your trash bins closed as well, and never leave food scraps in the yard. 

It’s also important to protect the fruits and vegetables in your yard with chicken wire and other barriers. For example, fruit cages can help keep foxes, rabbits, and deer away from your fruits and vegetables. Otherwise, you may need to relocate your fruits and vegetables or remove them altogether. 

2. Use Ultrasonic Devices

Ultrasonic devices help homeowners keep many kinds of pests out of their yards, and that includes foxes. The sound that ultrasonic devices make is quite unpleasant, even if humans cannot hear the frequencies. That’s because they make sounds meant specifically to irritate certain animals.

The frequency is unique in that it will bother animals in a humane way, without harming them. In many cases, the sound alone is enough to get animals to leave your yard. Ultrasonic devices are cheap, easy to set up, and quite effective at pest control.

You may only need to set up one ultrasonic device if you have a small yard. However, it’s a great idea to place one in your front yard and one in your backyard. That way, you can repel foxes from both sides of your house. 

3. Don’t Leave Your Pets Unattended

Foxes are omnivores and eat small animals as well as fruits and vegetables. They often pursue small rabbits, squirrels, mice, shrews, and even dogs and cats. That is why many homeowners worry about their small pets if they live in an area near foxes.

It’s a bad idea to leave your small pets unattended outside if you see foxes around your home. Foxes may not be huge, but they have a strong bite and are quite fast. You must also consider that some of the foxes you encounter may carry diseases. 

Stay with your pets each time you let them outside to ensure they don’t fall victim to a local fox. Ideally, you should keep your dogs on a leash when you take them out. That way, you won’t have to worry about them running toward a distant fox. 

4. Build A Fence

Building a fence isn’t cheap, but it can improve privacy and deter pests, like foxes, deer, and rabbits. However, you must keep in mind that foxes can climb fences and trees. That’s why you must do some research and talk to your contractor about your concerns. 

It’s a great idea to build a fence that stands over 6 feet tall so the average fox can’t climb it. More importantly, you must keep other objects away from the fence. Otherwise, the fence will be useless as they can jump off of nearby objects and climb over the fence. 

Building a fence costs as little as $1,000, but it varies based on materials and dimensions. Make sure the fence doesn’t have large openings, or else a fox may squeeze through and get into your yard. 

5. Conceal Your Pond

It’s a shame when foxes ruin the enjoyment of having a pond. However, foxes will continually return to your yard if they know you have a steady water source. You can keep your pond and deter foxes if you cover your pond with netting. 

Granted, this will make your pond less visually appealing, but it’s better than draining the pond. Foxes may still visit the pond, but they should leave when they realize they cannot reach the water. This is a great way to complement your other fox deterrents. 

6. Natural Remedies

Sometimes, you can find the best ways to deter foxes in your kitchen pantry. For example, coffee grounds, cayenne pepper, citrus peels, and white vinegar can deter foxes. Foxes have a keen sense of smell and use it to track food, so you can take advantage of this. 

Scatter some coffee grounds and cayenne pepper in the soil around your fruits and vegetables. It’s also a great idea to put some coffee grounds and chili powder in your compost bin. Of course, you should still close the lid, but the scent of coffee and chili powder should help keep foxes away. 

Peppermint oil is another tried and true fox deterrent that many homeowners keep around. You can also plant citronella or scatter citronella oil to keep foxes out of your yard. 

7. Startle Them With Lights

Foxes may seem fearless, but startling them is easier than you may think. Much like stray dogs and raccoons, foxes get easily startled by flashes of light. In some cases, all it takes is some motion-activated lights to scare foxes away from your house. 

As the name suggests, motion-activated lights detect movement and turn on accordingly. The key to using them to deter foxes is to figure out the best location for the lights. For example, you must pay attention to spots where you typically see foxes. 

Some motion-activated lights are battery-operated, which makes them easier to set up far from your home. That comes in handy if you have a big yard and typically see foxes far away from any power source. It only takes a few motion-activated lights to deter foxes and burglars alike. 

8. Create A Plant Barrier

Most animals know better than to crawl through bushes with lots of thorns. This is instinctual, and you can use it to your advantage to keep foxes out of your yard. Plant some dense, thorny bushes in your yard to close the gaps that a fox could get through. 

Bushes with prickly leaves produce the same results and can work to deter foxes. However, you must be careful if you have small children and pets. Keep an eye on your kids and pets in the yard to ensure they don’t hurt themselves on the prickly plants. 

Summing It Up

Enclose your fruit-bearing plants and vegetables to keep foxes out of your yard. It’s also a great idea to move and or cover water sources, such as bird baths and ponds. Build a fence, set up motion-activated lights, and use ultrasonic devices to repel foxes in your yard. 

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Nick Durante
Nick Durante

Nick Durante is a professional writer with a primary focus on home improvement. When he is not writing about home improvement or taking on projects around the house, he likes to read and create art. He is always looking towards the newest trends in home improvement.

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