What To Do If You Find Baby Spiders In Your House

Nick Durante
by Nick Durante
Credit: Shutterstock / Leoniek van der Vliet

The sight of baby spiders is enough to unnerve any homeowner. After all, many baby spiders can emerge from one egg sac, so it can become a huge problem. That’s why you may wonder what to do if you find baby spiders in your house.

The best thing to do if you find baby spiders in your house is to declutter and remove existing webs. This makes it harder for them to travel, hunt, hide, and reproduce in your home. It’s important to be careful if you find mothers with egg sacs on their backs, as babies can hatch if you crush the sac. 

Instead, trap the mother with a cup or vacuum and put them outside so the babies hatch elsewhere. Follow along as we explore what to do if you find baby spiders in your house. 

How To Get Rid Of Baby Spiders

Getting rid of baby spiders isn’t much different than getting rid of mature spiders. However, you must focus on making it harder for spiders to reproduce, so you don’t have to worry about babies hatching. All it takes is a few simple steps, such as:

1. Remove Webs

Spiders use webs to catch food, take shelter, and even travel. You can put the baby spiders in your house at a disadvantage if you remove webs as you find them. Carefully knock webs down and tear them apart when you find them. 

Use something like a stick, pencil, or screwdriver to destroy the spider webs in your house. This will make it harder for spiders to nest and produce more babies. That way, you can focus on killing the existing spiders with spray treatments and glue traps. 

2. Declutter

Spiders love messy areas in any house because they provide the perfect hiding place. Cluttered corners in basements and crawlspaces particularly appeal to spiders. Spiders often reproduce behind and under furniture as well, where you can often find clutter.

The dirt, dust, debris, and pet hair provide a nice sanctuary for them to eat and reproduce. Clean these areas and humanely kill the adult and baby spiders when you find them. The cleaner your house is, the fewer chances spiders have to hide and produce babies. 

3. Address Your Insect Problem

Spiders nest in areas close to food sources as it helps ensure longevity in a particular location. That’s why they reproduce and have babies in areas where they have no trouble finding food. Insects like flies and mosquitoes attract spiders, as they feed on them. 

You will likely find plenty of insects if you see baby spiders in your house, especially during spring and summer. Luckily, it’s easier to get rid of spiders if you address your insect problem. Spray your home with insecticides or hire a pest control service to get the problem under control.

Spiders will eventually move on without a food source, and they won’t reproduce. That’s especially true if you declutter your home and kill baby spiders when you find them. 

4. Be Careful With The Mother

It may sound like something from a horror film, but killing a mother spider can cause a crowd of babies to emerge. This is not only scary, but you will struggle to kill all the spiders in time. The babies will likely disperse and run in different directions as they’re scared and confused. 

This can easily happen if you step on a pregnant spider with a sac full of babies. In some cases, mother wolf spiders carry babies on top of their body. It’s a much better idea to kill the mother spider with chemicals instead of brute force.

Otherwise, you can trap the mother spider with a cup or bowl and transport her outside. That way, there is no risk that the babies will run loose in your house. 

5. Get Rid Of Egg Sacs

It won’t be long until your home is full of baby spiders if you find egg sacs in your house. That’s why you must get rid of them to nip the problem in the bud. Mother spiders often lay egg sacs in areas that are dark and moist. 

You can easily find egg sacs if you thoroughly and regularly clean your home. Pay attention to the corners of the rooms, as that’s where spiders often lay egg sacs. Use a vacuum to remove egg sacs and empty the bag outside so they don’t hatch indoors. 

Some people even soak egg sacs in water or an insecticide to ensure the spiders die. Whatever you do, just make sure you don’t crush the egg sacs because the babies may emerge. 

6. Deter Them With Aromatic Oils

No matter what age they are, spiders react adversely to many aromatic oils. Peppermint oil is a common spider deterrent that drives them crazy. You can deter baby and adult spiders alike with a mixture of peppermint oil and water.

Thoroughly spray the floor around the perimeter of rooms in your house where you typically find spiders. Pay attention to the corners of rooms where spiders are likely to nest and travel. The scent of peppermint is even enough to make spiders think twice about mating in your home. 

Tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil can also help deter baby spiders. However, you must be careful when you spray the ground with essential oils as some of them can injure dogs and cats. For example, peppermint oil isn’t safe for cats. 

7. Use Glue Traps

Glue traps make it easy to catch a lot of baby spiders at once. Some glue traps contain a scent that mimics the pheromones that attract spiders. This draws spiders to the trap, and they get stuck once they walk on the glue.

It’s not uncommon to set out a glue trap and find dozens of spiders and insects in them after a while. However, you must be careful to not put the glue traps in an area where your pets go. That’s because dogs and cats can get their paws stuck in glue traps. 

8. Patch Holes And Cracks

There’s a good chance your doors and windows have holes or cracks if you keep finding baby spiders. Adult spiders may have gotten in through the cracks and laid eggs in your home. In some cases, pregnant wolf spiders may even enter your home through the crack under your door and give birth.

You can stop more spiders from entering your home if you plug these holes. This makes it easier to address the spiders that are already in your home. You won’t find as many baby spiders and won’t have to worry about adult spiders coming inside. 

Summing It Up

Spray your home with tea tree and peppermint oil if you find baby spiders, as it deters them. Carefully remove egg sacs with a vacuum and empty the bag outside, so they don’t hatch indoors. It’s also a great idea to set out glue traps and declutter your home, so spiders are unlikely to reproduce. 

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Nick Durante
Nick Durante

Nick Durante is a professional writer with a primary focus on home improvement. When he is not writing about home improvement or taking on projects around the house, he likes to read and create art. He is always looking towards the newest trends in home improvement.

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