Home Improvement Exterior

Just Filled Pool With Water? (Here's Exactly What To Do Next)

If you’re a new pool owner, you might be wondering how to properly maintain your pool while keeping your family safe. When you fill up your pool for the first time, there are specific steps you have to take to make sure the water is ready for recreational use. So, what exactly do you do right after you fill your pool with water?

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What Is The Best Direction For A Backyard To Face?

When you’re building your home, you are in control of everything, including the orientation of your house. That small detail is something most people don’t think about but can make a huge impact on how you experience your home. After all, the direction your house faces will impact your heating, parking, as well as the amount of sunlight you get. So, what is the best direction for a backyard to face?

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Can You Power Wash Stucco? (Find Out Now!)

Stucco is one of those building materials that acts as a cornerstone of the “Southwestern” look. It’s a gorgeous, sturdy material that is made primarily of an aggregate of materials similar to plaster and sand. With its gritty, sandy texture, power washing it seems to be risky. Should you try to power wash your stucco?

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Is A House Wrap Really Necessary?

With the increase in vinyl siding’s popularity, people are increasingly focused on finding ways to ensure that their siding can last longer than ever. That’s why people put house wrap underneath their vinyl siding. Of course, the wrap is known for being expensive. Is it really worth it? Do you even need it?

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Do You Need A Permit To Replace An Exterior Door? (Find Out Now!)

Whether desiring an energy-efficient entry or just changing the look, replacing an exterior door makes a big impact. It can also be a relatively easy DIY project unless you need to start making structural changes. Depending on the extent of your replacement, you may or may not need a permit to replace an exterior door.

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What Is The Minimum Roof Pitch For Shingles?

Shingling a roof can be far more complicated than you may have realized. Because of the various materials involved, there are certain specifications that must be met to ensure that the roof and shingles are properly installed.

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How To Install Soffit Under A Porch (Quickly & Easily!)

By installing soffit boards underneath the roof system of your porch, you’ll create a cleaner look for your outdoor living area. Not only does installing a soffit complete the look of your entire porch, it also helps to insulate your home, shielding it from outdoor temperature fluctuations throughout the year.

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How To Keep A Backyard Pond Clean

A pond in your backyard can be a fun feature, adding beauty and a relaxing, calming atmosphere. But if your pond ends up grimy, full of algae, or otherwise yucky, it’s anything but beautiful. So, how do you keep a backyard pond clean so it’s worth having as part of your oasis?

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How To Winterize A Pond With Fish

There are many things to take care of on your property before winter hits, and it can be stressful. It can be intimidating if you have never winterized a pond with fish, but it’s necessary. Whether you’re new to ponds or have years of experience, you may still struggle with how to winterize a pond with fish.

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How Deep Can I Dig Without Calling 811?

When the summer comes and the weather is good most people look to go outside and start on all of the projects they’ve looked forward to completing. Whether this is a shed, starting a remodel, adding an extension onto your home, planting a tree, or having some fun in the garden, all of these might require digging. 

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4+ Types Of Drainage Systems (With Photos)

Drainage refers to the method of removing surface or sub-surface water from a particular area. Drainage systems are intended to dispose of wastewater as quickly as possible, while also preventing the gases from sewers and septic tanks from entering residential locations. Their main objective is to systemically collect and remove waste matter to preserve the healthy conditions in a residential or commercial setting.

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How Much Does A Trex Fence Cost?

Over the years, fences have come in many styles, ranging from simple chain link to classic wooden boards to elaborate, ironwork masterpieces. These styles are good options, but over time metal rusts and wood can rot. A Trex fence features a composite material that is attractive and long-lasting.

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6 Types Of Concrete Curbs (With Photos)

It is easy to put concrete curbs out of your mind because of how commonplace they are in daily life. Whether you walk over concrete curbs every day or you simply drive alongside them, they’re a bigger part of your life than they may seem. With all of the functionality and benefits of concrete curbs, how many types are there?

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What Color To Paint A House Foundation?

Painting your house is a huge undertaking. And you probably don’t want to do it twice. So, choose the best color for your foundation the first time. Then, update the style every few years.

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How To Hang String Lights In Backyard Without Trees

So, you went to your friend’s house the other night for some backyard conversation and wine and fell in love with their yard. It was relaxing and comfortable, and those string lights in their trees were the perfect finishing touch. Now you want to hang string lights in your backyard, but you don’t have any trees.

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Can I Paint The Outside Of My Home In The Winter?

The winter isn’t the ideal season to accomplish your outdoor projects. Landscaping, gardening, and exterior work are often scheduled for the spring and fall months when the weather is more suitable. But sometimes work needs to be done in a given time frame, which means you need to accomplish projects like painting your home’s exterior in the middle of the coldest season. But is it a good idea to paint the outside of your home in the winter?

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How To Jack Up A House To Replace Rim Joist

Damage to the foundation or rim joist of a house can be potentially dangerous for structural integrity reasons. Generally speaking, the rim joist will be located under an exterior wall and will more often than not be load bearing.

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Can You Put Siding Over Asbestos Siding? (Find Out Now!)

Asbestos is the great boogeyman of building materials. Once seen in almost every home as a siding material, it’s now regarded as “blue death.” Builders do not want to touch it unless they absolutely have to, and rightfully so. It’s cancer-causing. But, when you have asbestos siding, it feels like you need to work with it. Can you place siding over asbestos?

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Home Fixes You Must Complete Before Selling

After binge-watching real estate shows, you might think you need to fix everything in your house before you can list it. But the truth is, you can overdo it. Some things just aren’t worth repairing or upgrading before you sell. However, there are undoubtedly home fixes you must complete before selling. 

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How to Level The Ground For a Pool Without Digging

Most people dream of having a pool in their backyard. It would be nice to go out your back door to swim, instead of going to a crowded public pool or lake. Except, there’s only one issue: You don’t want to dig up your yard. That’s okay! We have a way around that.

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Can You Put Vinyl Siding Over Aluminum Siding? (Find Out Now!)

Back in the 1940s and 1950s, vinyl was not really used as a type of siding. It was just beginning to gain a following in home improvement. During this time, aluminum was the number one modern siding type. The thing is, aluminum can rust. It’s also kind of hard to deal with when compared to vinyl siding. People began to make the switch. This led to a major question: can you put vinyl siding over aluminum siding?

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Can You Pour A Driveway With Bagged Concrete? (Find Out Now!)

You finally have the time to fix your driveway. Concrete is the ideal material, but it’s also expensive. As you look for ways to stretch your budget, bagged concrete may come to mind. Will it work?

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How To Paint Cinder Block To Look Like Stone

If there’s one building material that’s become known as an eyesore, it’s cinder block. These poured concrete blocks are often seen as a sign of something that’s cheaply made, and if left on their own, could even tick off a homeowner’s association. If you have a home that has cinderblocks as part of the building’s make, don’t worry. There are ways to paint cinder blocks to look more like stone.

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Why Does My Sliding Glass Door Track Fill With Water? (Fix It Now!)

Sliding glass doors are preferred by homeowners who enjoy picturesque views. They’re great for many more reasons, but a downside is that they can sometimes have water intrusion problems.

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How Much Does Chimney Repair Cost?

As we step into the fireplace season, a new task rises on many homeowners’ to-do lists. Yes. It’s time to inspect, and most importantly, repair your chimney.

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How To Fix Salt Damage On Concrete

Salt damages concrete because of how it affects water. Salt lowers the freezing point of water, leading to a repeated freeze-thaw cycle, which can significantly weaken the surface of the concrete. So, the water in the concrete freezes, turns into ice, thaws, and then freezes again.

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How To Install A Mailbox On An Existing Metal Post

If you’ve just moved into a new house and have a post but no mailbox, don’t panic! You can easily install a mailbox onto an already existing metal post. It’s a lot easier than it sounds, and it makes for an easier time with installation as you won’t need to dig the hole for the post or request permission. So, how do you install a mailbox on an existing metal post?

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Why Does My Garage Door Open By Itself?

The sound of your garage door opening when it shouldn’t is scary. Your garage is about more than parking your car; it’s also a gateway into your home. Every homeowner should trust their garage door to stay closed, but that’s hard when it’s faulty. So, why does my garage door open by itself?

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Can You Paint Cement Board? (Find Out Now!)

Cement board, widely known as Hardie board, is a form of fiber cement that is commonly used on the exterior of buildings or as the backing for walls, floors, and tile applications. The boards are incredibly durable and highly resistant to fire, rot, and mold and mildew growth. When used as an exterior building material, you may be wondering: “can you paint cement board?”

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How to Build a Flood Wall Around Your House

Whether you’re a prepper by nature or not, you should always be prepared in the instance a flood should occur and threaten to damage your home. While you can certainly purchase the right insurance and stock up on necessary supplies, the post-flood cleanup and having to replace your treasured family belongings are not worth the energy.

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When Is The Best Time To Paint Your House's Exterior?

Painting the outside of your home is quite an undertaking, even if you live in a modest single-story dwelling. There is preparation work, setup, and all sorts of supplies necessary. You also need to find time in your schedule since this is often a project that can span many days. As you start looking at your calendar you should also look at the weather calendar as well in order to choose the best time to paint your house.

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The 7 Best Colors To Paint A House With A Green Roof

Painting the exterior of your home can completely transform the entire look and feel of your house. A fresh coat of paint can instantly update your home’s curb appeal while giving it a cleaner, fresher look. But, choosing the right color is vital, and with a green roof, it’s important to consider color choices wisely.

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Do You Need A Permit To Paint A Mural? (Find Out Now!)

A mural is an excellent way to capture people’s attention and communicate a message to the public. You’ll often see murals on the side of buildings throughout a city or inside people’s homes. But what kind of permission and permit do you need to paint a mural, if any?

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Are Black Garage Doors A Bad Idea?

Owning a home can be fun and exciting, especially when it comes to styling the outside as an expression of your character. However, this can be done in more than one way. Instead of painting the house or trim, what if you change your garage door colors to add some pizazz? Some people even choose to have black garage doors, but is this a bad idea?

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How Much Does It Cost to Pour a 24×24 Slab of Concrete?

Concrete slabs are necessary for a variety of different projects. Maybe you need a concrete patio for your summer night parties- or a foundation to build your shed. Perhaps, you have another project in mind.

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Does A Garden Increase Home Value?

Countless homeowners take pride in their gardens up until the day they sell their houses and beyond. A nice landscape and garden are something to be proud of as a homeowner. So, does a garden increase home value?

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Composite Vs. Vinyl Siding: What Are The Major Differences?

Vinyl siding is extremely popular, even if you’re in a location that is famous for being rough on siding. When you’re trying to get new siding, you’re going to be presented with vinyl options as well as options that are less common. One of the rarer ones is composite siding. For the right home, composite can be the best choice ever. For others, it’s all about vinyl. The question we’re asking today is, which is better overall?

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How To Position Flood Lights On Your House

Outdoor lighting really adds glamor to your home’s facade if you design it right. But just as with lighting the inside of your home, exterior lighting is a bit complicated, and there are many ways you can go astray. When it comes to flood lights, for example, there are definite do’s and don’ts to consider when installing and positioning them.

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Can You Put Driveway Sealer On Gravel? (Find Out Now!)

A gravel driveway that is several years old can begin to look a little sad. Gravel tends to migrate, leaving bare patches or uneven places on your driveway. You can, of course, simply add more gravel to your driveway. However, many people consider applying a driveway sealer on top of their gravel driveway. Is this a viable solution?

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9 Types Of Chimney Caps (With Photos)

Chimneys offer curb appeal, functionality, and a classic vibe that appeals to countless homeowners. They are easy to spot from the street, but their primary benefit is that chimney caps protect your roof and fireplace. With all of the benefits that chimney caps have to offer; how many types are there?

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How Much Does Metal Roofing Cost?

Installing a metal roof can be a cost-effective, durable, and attractive solution for your next project. Whether you’re building a shed or replacing the roof on your house, metal materials can provide you with many great benefits. Before you start your project, however, it’s crucial to weigh the costs of the construction.

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How To Calculate Septic Drain Field Size

A septic tank needs ample space to drain. And without knowing precisely how big your field should be, it can lead to ground contamination at worst and a nasty cleanup effort at best. Taking the proper precautions beforehand will save you a lot of headaches in the long run.

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How To Build A Wrap Around Porch (In 5 Easy Steps)

The addition of a wrap around front porch can be one of the greatest ways to enhance the exterior of your home and increase your living space. They provide an excellent location for entertaining guests, enjoying gorgeous views, lounging in a rocking chair and sipping on lemonade.

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How To Make A Roof Ladder Hook

Working on a ladder is a delicate process. Yes, the ladder will allow you to get to spots high up off the ground that you wouldn’t be able to otherwise. They are a useful tool that any roofer, builder, or amateur handyman should have at his or her disposal. To keep your ladder steady, it’s a good idea to have a roof ladder hook. The good news is that you can make these, and it’s simple.

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Stucco Vs. Fiber Cement Siding: Which One Is Better?

The main job of your siding is to protect your home from the elements – particularly precipitation and the negative effects of excess moisture. However, in addition to practicality, your siding also serves an aesthetic purpose and can drastically impact the value of your home. With this in mind, your choice in siding should be based on aesthetics, maintenance needs, durability, environmental impact, installation, composition, and overall costs.

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Ways To Create A Garden Path Using Cheap Or Free Materials

If you want to build a garden pathway on a tight budget that lasts a long time, then start looking for bricks. New bricks at home improvement stores can be fairly cheap (and also quite pricey), but if you are looking to build a pathway for as little as possible, don’t head to a retail store.

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Do You Need To Vent A Metal Roof?

Metal roofs have been used to top barns, country-style homes, and buildings across the U.S. since the 1700s. However, the metal roofs of today are nothing like the familiar tin roof of years past.

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What Are The Pros and Cons of Sealing An Asphalt Driveway?

When looking for ways to protect your home, there are a lot of different things to think about. Your driveway is something that gets used every day but isn’t often taken into consideration with regards to protection. By covering your asphalt driveway with a seal coating, you can help keep it in good condition.

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Can You Put Siding Over Brick? (Find Out Now!)

Home enthusiasts (and self-proclaimed designers) alike are constantly looking for new ways to spruce up both the interiors and exteriors of their homes. If your house is suffering from old, worn-looking brick, can you put siding over the top to give it a refresh?

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What Colors Do Gutters Come In?

Gutters serve the important function of directing water away from your house, and they are a fixture of every house. Every builder-owner knows the importance of good gutters and the trouble that having them can save.

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Can Squirrels Climb PVC Pipe? (Find Out Now!)

Squirrels can be an entertaining sight in your backyard as they perform the gymnastic moves through the tree limbs. However, if you are like me and are more entertained by the birds attracted by your birdfeeder, squirrels are more of a nuisance. People suggest several methods to stop squirrels from raiding your birdfeeder. We wonder if squirrels can climb PVC pipes.

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Can You Paint Over Thompson's Water Seal?

If you need to have wood waterproofed, then chances are you’ve applied Thompson’s Water Seal to it. This waterproofing stain is known for being one of the best in the home improvement world when it comes to keeping your materials looking great. Of course, many of us want to make our projects look even better with a fresh coat of paint. But, is this actually doable?

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11 Types Of Door Sweeps (With Photos)

There is nothing worse than a gap in your door that lets pests and cold air in, and warm air out. It can increase your energy bills and make life uncomfortable when bugs enter your home unwanted. You have probably heard that door sweeps can solve this problem, but what are the main types of door sweeps?

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How Much Does Home Depot Charge For Fence Installation?

They say that tall fences make good neighbors, and to a point, I can agree with that. You don’t want everyone knowing your business. Getting fencing installed, for most homes, is a must. The thing is, finding a fencing company can be a little tricky, especially if you aren’t very comfy with getting them all called to your home and fielding quotes over the phone. Most people wish they could just go to Home Depot and get their fencing installed. But, is this a thing?

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What Is Liquid Vinyl Siding? (Find Out Now!)

With every single year that passes, it seems like a new type of siding is being made. The newest type of siding to hit stores is Liquid Vinyl Siding. This sounds a bit sci-fi at first. (Like, can you have a liquid part of a house exterior?!) Though it sounds futuristic, the future is now. All you need to do is know what liquid vinyl siding really is and what it means for your home.

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How Long Does It Take To Pressure Wash A House?

Over time, your house can start to build up dirt, grime, and other unpleasantries since it’s exposed to the elements daily. Pressure washing can help you keep your home’s exterior looking its best, but do you have time to do it? How long does it take to pressure wash a house?

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Vinyl Siding Keeps Coming Loose? (We Have a Fix!)

Vinyl siding is a popular exterior cladding option known for being lightweight yet highly durable. Although vinyl siding is damage resistant for the most part, it doesn’t mean that you might never face maintenance concerns over its lifetime.

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Aluminum Vs. Vinyl Siding: Which One Is Better?

The exterior of your home’s cladding not only provides an aesthetic appeal but can also play a significant role in the insulation and overall protection of your home.

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Is It Cheaper To Buy A Shed Or Build One? (Find Out Now!)

Adding a shed to your property is an excellent investment. You may need it for storing tools, building a workshop, or extra storage for seasonal decorations. Whatever the reason, you must investigate the cost, in time and money, of building a shed on your own versus buying one and having it installed professionally. 

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Does Foundation Repair Affect Home Value?

It may go without saying, but the foundation of a home is one of the most important aspects of the entire property. The foundation literally holds the structure up. When there are issues with the foundation, it can lead to serious concerns about structural integrity and can cost quite a bit to repair.

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