Home Improvement Cost Guides

How Much Does It Cost to Install Wainscoting or Beadboard?

The walls that line the perimeter of your home present you with opportunities to indulge your sense of style. Treat them as blank canvases that you can beautify in any way you prefer. To beautify those elements of your home, you can consider installing some wainscoting.

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How Much Does Backflow Testing Cost?

Whether you are aware or not, backflow can be a major problem that threatens the health and safety of you and all the members of your household. Because of this, it’s recommended that a backflow test be performed annually by a certified plumbing company. During the test, valves will be opened and closed to detect any irregularities in the prevention system. Then, a form is submitted to the local city to ensure there are no code violations and the preventer meets the proper standards.

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How Much Does It Cost To Build A House In Colorado?

Colorado is one of the premier vacation destinations in the United States. As people visit, many are deciding that Colorado is the place to live as well. Colorado is rapidly becoming a favored relocation area for many families. Learn about building in Colorado and how much your new home may cost in this article.

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How Much Do Precast Concrete Steps Cost?

Concrete steps are sturdy, resistant to all kinds of external forces, and they also look great when built properly. They can be genuine assets to any property and that’s why many homeowners covet them. If using poured concrete is not an option for your property, you can still opt for precast concrete steps.

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How Much Does It Cost to Straighten a Garage?

While pulling into your garage one day, you may notice that something’s off. After stepping out of your car to get a closer look, you’ve discovered that your garage is crooked. Your garage is leaning to one side and now you’re trying to figure out what to do.

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How Much Does It Cost To Install Wrought Iron Railings?

After finishing the construction of your new staircase, you may suddenly find that it’s missing something. Without a railing, a staircase can look unsafe to use especially if you have children or elderly people in your household. You can take that opportunity to create something special and make the staircase railing out of wrought iron.

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How Much Does Pea Gravel Cost? (Per Ton, Cubic Yard & Truckload)

Pea gravel is a ubiquitous landscaping element. You’ve probably heard a lot about it already if you’ve been talking to landscaping experts about your yard. The practical and aesthetic benefits of using pea gravel are well-known and your household could find them useful as well.

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How Much Does It Cost To Run A Gas Fireplace? (Find Out Now!)

Gaslight fireplaces are a very nice feature to have in the home. They can provide an ambiance that sometimes can not be achieved with an electric fireplace. They also have benefits for those that might live in areas that are at risk for power outages.

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Is It Normal For A Contractor To Ask For 30% Up Front?

Planning a major home improvement project is exciting, but it is also stressful and expensive. There are lots of moving parts to consider, which is why it is so important to hire a great and trustworthy contractor. Once you find a good contractor, you are hopefully a little less stressed. But when this contractor asks you for a whopping 30% up front, you might start second-guessing your decision.

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How Much Does It Cost to Add a Half Bathroom?

There are several popular home additions homeowners perform, making a home more livable and adding value to their home. Older homes with only one bath or no bath on the ground floor level beg for this kind of addition. One concern is how much does it cost to add a half bathroom to your home

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How Much Does It Cost To Fill In A Pool?

A swimming pool can be a terrific investment due to the value it adds and just how useful it is. If you have a swimming pool at home, you can use it for exercising or cooling down during the summer. Unfortunately, there’s also a chance that your swimming pool may largely go unused.

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Cost to Convert a Crawlspace to a Basement (Detailed Rates)

The crawlspace often winds up as an underutilized part of the home mainly because it isn’t comfortable. If you want to make that crawlspace more functional, you should consider converting it into a basement. Before embarking on this big project, you should know the cost to convert a crawlspace to a basement is very expensive.

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How Much Does a Tar and Chip Driveway Cost?

We use our driveways on an almost daily basis, but can you even remember what kind you have? You should know which materials went into the construction of your driveway. Those materials can have a discernible impact on the quality and longevity of your driveway so making the right choice is crucial.

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How Much Does an Interior Glass Wall Cost?

Glass walls enable homeowners to create a striking and stylish interior space. They allow you to feature a sense of openness inside your home while still keeping areas distinct and separate. On top of that, there are also practical benefits that only glass walls can provide.

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2022 Cost to Relocate Washer & Dryer Hookups

Family needs have changed, and many older homes place the washer and dryer where they no longer fit our lifestyles. Many homes have washer and dryer connections in out-of-the-way locations like basements. Many homeowners wonder what it costs to relocate washer and dryer hookups to more convenient locations.

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How Much Does Marble Flooring Cost?

What kind of flooring do you want to install inside your home? It can be tough to pinpoint a standout candidate given the sheer number of options available. While browsing your options, you cannot forget to take a closer look at marble flooring because it presents some terrific qualities.

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How Much Does It Cost To Build A House In Vermont?

In 2019 US News ranked Vermont in the top five best places to live in the continental US. Vermont consistently scores high with families as a prime destination to make a home from scenery to education. Fortunately, the cost of home building in Vermont is reasonable and compares favorably with many other parts of the US.

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How Much Does It Cost To Replace A Refrigerator Compressor?

Not all issues that can affect a refrigerator are equal. Some of those issues may temporarily affect how the appliance operates, but you can fix them and return things to normal. An issue that involves your refrigerator’s compressor is more serious and will require more money and skilled labor to resolve.

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How Much Does A Cinder Block Wall Cost?

When you need something sturdy to serve as a long-term structural fixture on your property, you can turn to cinder blocks. Cinder blocks are prized mainly for their strength, but they are also eco-friendly options. If you want to build a strong supporting wall or erect one outdoors, using cinder blocks makes a lot of sense.

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AC Condenser Fan Motor Replacement Cost

Air conditioners are considered essential appliances by many households as they supply comforting cooling on demand. The idea of an air conditioner breaking down in the middle of the summer is a nightmarish proposition for many households. Unfortunately, your air conditioner breaking down is possible especially if you don’t take good care of components like the condenser fan motor.

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How Much Should You Spend Per Year On Home Maintenance?

The cost of buying a home is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to affordability. Maintenance costs are often unexpected, and they can leave many homeowners stressed and overwhelmed. So, how much should you spend per year on home maintenance?

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How Much Do Pocket Doors Cost?

Doors don’t get enough attention for the impact they can have on your home. They protect against the elements, security against individuals with bad intentions, and they also offer some much-needed privacy. Beyond those more obvious benefits of doors, you also cannot overlook the fact that they can help bring your home’s design together.

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Cost to Stain a Deck [by Type of Stain & Deck Size]

After some time, the old deck attached to your home may start to look worn down. Time and harsh outdoor elements tend to have that effect on wooden materials and your deck is no exception. Thankfully, there are ways to restore the appearance of your deck and staining is one such option.

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How Much Does It Cost to Convert to a Saltwater Pool?

A swimming pool could turn out to be a fantastic addition to your property. In the short term, you can use your new swimming pool for having fun or even working out. Long term, potential buyers may find your property may attractive thanks to the presence of the swimming pool.

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Propane Tank Cost [By Number of Gallons & Weight]

Propane is a versatile fuel that can be used to power numerous appliances in and around the home. You can use propane for cooking, heating water, and it can also help provide some warmth.  Many homeowners even purchase propane tanks so they can store that fuel and use it on-demand.

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How to Subdivide Land: Cost to Split a Property Into Two

The decision to subdivide land usually comes as the result of one of two different circumstances. Typically, landowners are looking to either sell a portion of the land off for profit or distribute the property amongst family members. Most commonly, real estate investors subdivide the land to increase the overall value of the property.

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How Much Does It Cost to Add a Dormer?

Space is often limited in many households as building out can be a very expensive undertaking. You will have to pay a substantial amount of money if you want to build on new land. It’s not even a given that the land you’re looking to use for your home addition will be listed on the market.

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How Much Does It Cost To Build A House In Austin?

Austin, Texas, has become a new mecca for technology companies. This area is the fastest-growing metropolitan region in Texas. A population and economic boom have affected almost everything, including home sales and construction. Most real estate agents recommend that anyone wanting to build a custom home find an established developer or builder for their project.

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How Much Does a Backyard Lazy River Cost?

Many homeowners consider a backyard swimming pool as the ultimate entertainment and relaxation. However, new advances in swimming pool design and the quest for something different led to lazy backyard river installations. You can now enjoy the summer fun in your backyard of what once was only to be found in expensive water parks. Many homeowners wonder how much it costs to install a backyard lazy river.

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Cost to Move Water Heater to Garage

Using a water heater is a necessity for many of us who need to take early morning showers. We find room for it in our home because we consider it an essential appliance. Still, you may find that the water heater is constantly getting in the way and so you want to move it.

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How Much Does Roof Truss Repair Cost?

You noticed that sag in the roof of your home. A trip into your attic and a bit of investigation and you found a roof trust with some damage. The damage doesn’t look too bad from the inside, but you can see the definite sag where the roof truss has bowed from the outside. How much does it cost to repair a roof truss?

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How Much Does Animal Control Cost? [Rates by Animal Type]

Wild animals are constantly motivated by a need to seek shelter and sustenance. They are willing to head into any location in pursuit of those things and your home is not an exception. Once inside your home, a wild animal can cause a lot of damage and possibly even injure someone.

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How Much Does Dryer Repair Cost? [Average Rates by Part]

We don’t talk enough about how important the dryer is to the typical household. Can you imagine working your way through your laundry pile without the help of a dryer? A job that typically takes less than an hour to finish may suddenly take up a big chunk of your day.

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How Much Does HVAC Blower Motor Replacement Cost?

The blower motor inside your HVAC unit has an important role to play. That blower motor is responsible for moving the fan in your HVAC unit so the air will not circulate without it. Simply put, your HVAC unit will not be able to provide the comfort you seek if the blower motor is malfunctioning.

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How Much Does It Cost to Insulate a House? [By Area of Your Home]

Home is where the heart is and that’s a statement that resonates with just about everyone. There is simply no substitute for your home because that’s the place where you can feel most comfortable. To create that comfortable home environment, you need to insulate it properly.

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How Much Does Grandfather Clock Repair Cost?

If you own a grandfather clock, it’s likely something that has been passed down in your family through the generations. To ensure that the clock stays in good working order, it should be cleaned and serviced regularly. Oftentimes, some form of clock repair work may be required for a number of reasons.

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How Much Does a Glass Garage Door Cost?

Your garage door can do more than just improve security and protect some of your valued possessions. It can also be a decorative element that elevates the look of your property. Glass garage doors, in particular, introduce an element of styling that you simply don’t get from the other available options.

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How Much Does Dryer Vent Cleaning Cost?

The dryer is an underappreciated appliance in just about every household. Instead of waiting around for hours for your clothes to dry, your dryer can get them ready for storage relatively quickly. You always need a functioning dryer in your household and the vent attached to it must be in good shape too.

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How Much Does It Cost to Install Kitchen Backsplash?

A beautiful kitchen can work wonders for just about any type of home. Preparing your favorite treats inside a gorgeous kitchen is a delightful experience unlike any other. If you’re interested in redesigning your home kitchen, don’t forget to do something about the ever-present backsplash.

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How Much Does It Cost To Build A House In South Carolina?

Almost everyone dreams of a custom-built home. Getting exactly the amenities you want, on the location you want, with the finishes and colors you want is the goal. Many factors influence the overall price of a custom-built home in South Carolina.

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How Much Does It Cost to Finish Drywall?

Completing a new room often involves installing some kind of material over the bare walls and the ceiling. Many homeowners opt to use drywall for that specific task because it can cover up the space while introducing some useful benefits. Drywall being fire-resistant, easy to work with, and affordable means it can be a positive addition to your home.

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Cost to Remove Chimney and Fireplace [Pricing for Each Part]

Are you planning to renovate your home sometime soon? If so, the time may be right for you to consider removing some old or outdated fixtures. The placement of your chimney and fireplace, in particular, may require some further consideration.

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How Much Does It Cost to Stucco a House?

Are you trying to figure out which type of siding is going to look best on your home? The variety of available options can make finding the right type of siding difficult. While exploring your options, don’t forget about the merits of stucco.

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How Much Does a Wet Room Bathroom Cost?

Bathroom remodels are one of the most popular upgrades homeowners choose for their property. One consideration that any anticipated bathroom remodel should include is a conversion to a wet room bathroom. Often, the advantages of converting your traditional bathroom to a wet room bathroom far outweigh the major disadvantage, cost.

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Gas Fireplace Vs. Central Heating Costs: Which One Is Better?

There has always been a considerable debate on how to keep your home warm through the colder months of the year. Two of the most popular options tend to be a gas fireplace or a central heating system. While each has its unique uses and every individual has their preferences, it’s essential to consider a few factors.

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How Much Does Oil Tank Replacement Cost?

Oil tanks store the fuel households need to power their HVAC systems. They serve as the main resource for the comforting heating we need to get through the coldest winters. Depending on where you live, your oil tank may be one of the most important fixtures on your property.

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How Much Does Cockroach Exterminator Cost? [By Method & Home Size]

The cockroach may very well be the pest that most people want nothing to do with. They are troublesome home invaders that can spread disease, ruin food, and destroy clothing. Cockroaches also excel at striking fear into our hearts when they crawl on us or fly in our direction.

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How Much Does Foundation Repair Cost?

Stabilizing your home is the main job of your foundation and that’s why maintaining it properly is crucial. Any issues affecting your foundation can quickly affect the rest of your home. Don’t be surprised if certain parts of your home sustain lasting damage due to problems plaguing your foundation.

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How Much Does Rodent Control Cost?

As a homeowner, you are the one who welcomes people into your humble abode. You host your family members, your friends, and maybe even some of your colleagues and share good times with them. Of course, there are certain house guests you didn’t invite who are making themselves at home anyway.

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How Much Does It Cost To Build A Sauna?

Having your own sauna at home sounds like a dream doesn’t it? Staying inside a sauna helps you sit back and relax. The experience is invigorating and it can also serve as the perfect pick-me-up during the middle of the work week.

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How Much Does It Cost To Build A House In Idaho?

Idaho runs neck and neck with Texas as the current most popular state for relocation. Low population densities, low costs of living, beautiful landscapes, and many other positives make Idaho a haven for many people. In addition, the cost of building a home in Idaho is a favorable factor.

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Garbage Disposal Installation Cost at Lowes

The in-sink garbage disposal has become a staple appliance in most homes. These often-forgotten undersink appliances don’t get much attention but get more than their fair share of use. It isn’t surprising that in-sink garbage disposals often need replacement or repair. There are several options to consider when your garbage disposal quits disposing.

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How Much Does It Cost To Build A House In Hawaii?

Some people call it paradise. Others see it as Eden in the Pacific. Whatever your views, you will probably admit that Hawaii is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Many people dream of living in Hawaii but wonder how much it costs to build a home in Hawaii?

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How Much Does It Cost to Remove Tile Floor?

Elegantly designed tile floors can be terrific additions to any home setting. They add a touch of refined design to any room they’re used in. Tile floors are also easy to clean, thus making them practical additions for many homeowners.

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How Much Does a Chimney Cap Cost?

The chimney serves a vital role in your home as it provides an exit for the harmful gases produced during combustion. Instead of those gases lingering inside your home and potentially causing problems, they are just carried out by the chimney. Your chimney has an important job to do and you need to keep it protected.

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Cultured Marble Shower Cost [Per Square Foot & Overall Cost]

Whether you’re building your shower for the first time or renovating it, choosing the right materials for it will be crucial. Your shower is going to be a prominent part of your bathroom. It’s understandable if you want to use some special materials to make it stand out.

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How Much Does a Brick or Stone Wall Cost?

Brick or stone walls can be terrific additions to just about any type of outdoor landscape. Once installed, those walls can be used to enhance the landscape, organize your yard, or even provide more privacy. You can also use those brick or stone walls to complete new structures you’re building outside like a kitchen.

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How Much Does Concrete Resurfacing Cost?

Concrete is a remarkably durable material, but it’s still not immune to different types of damage. Over time, the concrete you installed may start to look worn down and its outermost layer may become uneven as well. Demolishing and replacing that old concrete may seem like your only option, but it’s worth noting that you can resurface it.

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Tile Roof Replacement Cost [Pricing By Type & Square Foot]

Your choice of roofing can impact the level of comfort you experience at home. That important choice can also help determine how much you’ll have to spend on maintenance and HVAC expenses moving forward. If you want a type of roof that offers both practical and aesthetic benefits, you should consider installing a tile roof.

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How Much Does It Cost to Build a Gazebo?

Do you want to take full advantage of the backyard space you have available? One way to do that is by building some structures that will help define and beautify that available space. Consider building a gazebo if your goal is to maximize that part of your property.

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